While forgiving for those just getting started, the Thrust Windsurf foil setup offers boundless potential for those looking to advance their skills. 50% lighter than its older counterpart, the new delta shaped front wing creates lift at very low speeds and maintains stability through both for-and-aft as well as side-to-side movements.
Compared to high aspect wing shapes, this delta is incredibly user-friendly and delivers earlier lift. Whether it’s blowing under 10 knots or if the wind is hitting the high 20s, this wing is ready for the ride. In the same conditions, riders on high aspect wings are forced to switch to a smaller wing set, since their lightwind wing sets would no longer be controllable.
All Naish Foil Systems include a premium padded cover.
70 cm | Modified Delta Planform | 3.46 | 65 cm | 1220 cm2 |
Easy jibing and other maneuvers are another advantage of the Thrust WS setup. The delta front wing works in tandem with the vertical stabilizer of the back wing to deliver easy control when turning. The front wing provides lift at low speeds making it much easier to cruise through a jibe without coming off the foil. While high aspect foils require the board to plane first, the Thrust WS setup engages the foil, lifting you up even when the board has not reached full planing. The Thrust Windsurf foil setup offers the earliest foiling in the lightest winds, maximum control at any wind speed—in comparison to high aspect foils—and accessible maneuverability in jibes and tacks. Its unique design, not only welcomes new riders to the sport, it supports you through the journey as you advance your skill level.
. 50% Lighter Wings
. Back Wing
. Monocoque Ultra Robust Back Wing Construction
. Heavy-duty Fuselage
. Abracadabra Quick Plate Connection
. Stealth Stripes
. Aircraft Grade High Precision CNC Cut Fuselage
. Aircraft Grade Extruded Aluminum Mast with Custom Wet-sanded Speed Finish* = Improved performance + faster & smoother from every angle of attack
. Carbon/Glass PrePreg & Hi Mod Foam Core Front Wing Construction
. Carbon/Glass PrePreg & Hi Mod Foam Core Monocoque Back Wing Construction
. 316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel Hardware
• Front Wing WS 1
• Back Wing WS 2
• 70 cm Aluminum Mast
• Fuselage WS
• Foil Assembly Screw Set
• Abracadabra Board Mount Plate
• Abracadabra Board Mount Plate Screw Set
• Foil Cover